Black History Month
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New Web Site Feature: Meet The Villagers

“The Village” - September, 2013

As Thanksgiving approaches, Village of Love is way up on my list of things to be thankful for! How often does one get the chance to make a difference in such a direct way? We can put a child in school, and see that families do not go hungry. How amazing is that!

Tough times in Kenya

mother and 2 kids, green.pngRight now the hardships for the poor in Kenya are escalating. A crushing increase in Value Added Tax on food and other essentials is creating a wave of hunger and despair. We cannot help all those who are suffering, but we CAN improve the lives of Village of Love families.
In this edition, you can find out about:
  • Our next fundraiser, a movie at the Revue Cinema
  • A new feature on our website: profiles of orphan caregivers, “The Villagers.”
  • How you can ensure that Village of Love children can remain in school in 2014.


Sunday, Nov. 17th, 4 pm,
REVUE Cinema,
400 Roncesvalles
The first grader.jpg
84 year old Kimani Maruge survived British internment camps in the 1950’s. Now, in 2003, in the face of fierce opposition, he seizes the chance to go to school.
Based on a remarkable TRUE STORY.
Rated PG-13.
TICKETS: $15 in advance, $20 at the door.
AMAZING door prizes of Gift Vouchers to local restaurants.
For information and to book: The First Grader
Your help on the evening would be very welcome: VOLUNTEER

Meet the Villagers!

Beatrice Muthoni.pngA young couple arrives in Nairobi from a rural area, full of hope for work and a good life. With no money, living in Kibera is the cheapest way to survive. It won’t be for long, they think, just a little while, and they will be able to move to a better place. However, work is not easy to find. Children are born. A neighbour dies. The orphans are taken in. The daily struggle to eke out a living intensifies. They still dream of leaving Kibera. Their children will go to school, find good work and rescue the family…
Each story is a variation of this theme. The good news is that for many, the small business micro-loans they have received through Village of Love are actually enabling them to realise their dream of a better life!

Children need to be in School

school, girls hands raised.jpgIn 2014, 27 Village of Love children will be registered in Secondary School. Since Kenyan Secondary Schools are mostly boarding schools, this is the best place for a child from a poor family to be. In school the child has a bed, a desk, light to study by in the evening, supervision and three meals a day!
To keep a child in school for the year costs $500. Your monthly donation of $40 will ensure that a child can remain in school and focus on his or her studies without anxiety that any day they may be sent home for lack of fees. All amounts are welcome! Please go to DONATE

Thank you for you generous support!

Linda Levin,
Coordinator of the Village of Love Canada


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