Black History Month

Village of Love Videos

Song of Gratitude for Food Baskets During COVID- Don Tripe, Calasina Apondi

Urban Farming Gives Food Security During COVID

Nutritious Food & ARV’s for HIV Positive Women and Children

Grateful For Help With School Fees

The Impact Of Food Baskets

Grateful For Food Security In The Midst of Crisis!

These Are Empowered Women!

Women train in planting seeds to increase food security

After Vocational Training both Nora and Antony have jobs

Grateful for help during COVID-19.   June 22, 2020

Phanis is grateful for the training she has received in handwashing and sanitisation. She passes this on to her family and to other women. Millicent is deeply emotional in expressing her gratitude for Food Baskets. She has 15 children (including 8 orphans), many of them teenage boys. Withouit Village iof Love help, she would have to see her children go hungry.

COVID-19 Safety Lessons in Slum.  April 17, 2020

Immediately COVID cases started appearing in Kibera, Kijiji Cha Upendo staff set up hand washing stations and taught women how to wash their hands properly, and how to sanitise surfaces in their shops and at home.

Tracy Gives Back.  March 2020.

Tracy is grateful for Village of Love paying school fees and helping her get a scholarship to train as a teacher. Working now as a teacher, she pays school fees for indigent children!

Fatma is Getting Married!   February 2020.

Unlike most girls in her culture, Fatma was not married in her early teens. Thanks to Village of Love, she attended school, has trained in a trade, and now enters marriage empowered and equipped to earn a living.

Fatma Abdi Trains as a Plumber.  Sep 30, 2019.

Fatma dreamed of becoming a journalist so she could speak out against abusive practices in her community such as FGM (female genital mutilation). In fact, she has chosen a non traditional career as a plumber that will empower her economically to bring in money for her family. AND this will give her status in her community to have a voice for the rights of women!

Nora Asingira Trains as a Plumber and Pipe Fitter.  Sep 30, 2019.

Nora’s parents have struggled to keep her in school, and she is very grateful for Village of Love help. With a trade like plumbing she will be able to support her own children one day, pay for their education and maybe someone else’s too!

Yvonne Otieno Trains as an Electrician.  Sep 30, 2019.

Yvonne is a very determined young woman who knows what she wants: to give a better life to her children than she has had. She speaks of the dangers of growing up in a slum community, temptations of drugs and crime, and the problems of poverty. She values this opportunity to train as an electrician, since it gives her choices as a girl. She won’t have to be married off to an older man just for the money!

Girl Power.  Aug 23, 2019.

These three girls, Fatma, Yvonne and Nora, are choosing to train in non-traditional careers. Being the domain of men, these careers pay better than traditional female ones, and will enable these young women to bring good money into the household. Earning power will give them status, not only in the household, but also in the community. Their voices will be heard!

Calasina: A Mother’s Stress is Lifted.

Calasina, single mother of 9 children, including 8 orphans, is thrilled to be taken into Village of Love.Through micro-loans she can make more income. Her cluster has a savings program (Table Banking) and a system for sharing of basic goods ( “Merry Go Round”). Calasina speaks with enthusiasm about the community support, where the women share ideas, advice and counseling. She is no longer bearing the burden alone. Her stress is alleviated to such a degree, she says, she has even put on weight!

Josephine: How Village of Love is Improving Lives.  July 3, 2019.

Josephine Kemunto tells the whole story of how Village of Love operates to empower women and children. Caregiver to 7 children (including 3 orphans), Josephine has appreciated the small business loans to boost her tailoring business and sell vegetables on the side. Being part of a cluster of 15 women, she can participate in a bi-weekly savings programme by which she can top up school fees at the end of the year. Josephine’s hope is that her children will have a better life and be able to help others.

Giving Youth a Chance.  July 3, 2019.

Samson, Edwin and Anthony express gratitude for the opportunity to train in Mechanical Engneering. They are currently doing an internship with GM Motors. Equipped with a trade, they will have the chance to make a living and support families, maybe even move out of Kibera.

The Children Speak.  Dec, 2016.

Where would the children be without school? Where is school taking them? In this video, some children whom Kijiji Cha Upendo (Village of Love) has kept in school consider these questions. Rather than being involved in criminal activity , gangs, drugs and maybe even dead, a boy is heading to College to study ICT. A girl considers how she has escaped FGM (female genital mutilation, early marriage and parenthood and hopes to speak out against these practices as a journalist. Another girl sees her peers on the streets becoming thieves and prostitutes. She hopes to be a doctor. Another, studying to be a teacher, urges us to join her in helping the needy children to give them hope and incentive.

 A Brief Introduction to Village of Love.  July 11, 2015.

Linda Levin, Chair of Village of Love Canada.

First Year of Kijiji Cha Upendo.   Dec 23, 2011

Staff and volunteers explain how Kijiji Cha Upendo works and what they do.