Agripina Andati
Orphan caregiver who joined Village of Love in 2011. Makes a living through a fruit and vegetable stall. Cares for three orphaned children in addition to her three biological children.
What Agripina sees as unique in Village of Love is the combination of loans along with the counseling.
Agripina’s fruit and vegetable stall“Kijiji is a good organization. Some people come and take photos, they leave, they find resources, but nothing ever comes back to the beneficiaries. They just give empty hope. But the Obaras have provided real help! The volunteers and managers of Kijiji are honest. They are interested in the beneficiaries’ welfare. Now we never sleep hungry.
“I no longer stay at home with nothing to do, I’m employed!”
People see Agripina there every day selling her groceries. If one day she doesn’t sell anything and she needs some food, a person with a shop across the way will give it to her, because they see that she works. They regard her now as trustworthy. They know she will give back what she has borrowed when she can.
Agripina’s business provides her with credit in the community!
Tom Axworthy
Order of Canada, recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee award 2012, Political strategist, Writer, Professor, best known as Pierre Trudeau’s speech writer.
“Village of Love Canada is cost effective in choosing to operate through an already established organization, CAP/AIDS. I believe in the project, because I see every penny going towards needed work on the ground.”