Our Place In The Global Village
Isabella Obara, head girl of school of 2,000 students, accepted in 2011 into Law School where she hopes to train to become a human rights lawyer.This Kenya-Canada partnership makes the world a whole lot smaller! Our church group has been blessed through our connection with a Kenyan family.
“When we first heard of Isabella, one of the fifteen children helped through our church’s partnership with the Obara family, she wanted to become a human rights lawyer.
In fact all the children have dreamed of becoming SOMEONE, a person who can contribute to society in a positive manner. They have dreamed of becoming teachers, doctors, social workers, and today, Isabella is realising her dream. She has just been accepted into Law School, while her sister Sabina has been accepted into Teachers Training College and her brother Omolo to train in masonry.
We have been so inspired by the love their parents show each child, treating them all the same and encouraging each one to develop their gifts to the best of their ability. All the children work very hard. We are proud of each and every one of them for making their way, often in very challenging circumstances. We know that our support over the years has played an important role in enabling them to stay in school and to gain the necessary skills to become self sufficient, contributing adults.
Dreams CAN come true. WE can make it happen!
In addition, we have benefited so much ourselves. Our personal connection with this Kenyan family has made the world a whole lot smaller. It has given US a place in the Global Village!
Our church has been excited and energised through being able to impact people’s lives in this way, and we have been utterly inspired by the example of selflessness demonstrated by the Obaras’ gracious and generous way of living. Fundraising events have brought us together as a community, and our youth have benefited tremendously through the life changing experience of visiting Kenya and working with Kenyan youth.
I would unhesitatingly encourage YOUR group to embark on a similar adventure. I know you will be deeply blessed, as we have been.”
Rev Linda Levin
Minister at Runnymede United Church until June 2011