Caregivers in Village of Love cooperative are there to support one another, personally, emotionally and in guaranteeing one another’s loans.NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND
The families helped by Village of Love that live in the Kibera slum community are amongst the poorest of the poor.
Village of Love has deliberately sought out orphan caregivers who have no assets, little money, poor living conditions and no hope.
Food is the most urgent need
For breakfast, these orphan caregivers may perhaps be able to give their children a small piece of bread, some warm water or perhaps tea. There is nothing for lunch. Often nothing in the evening. Children may be sent to bed hungry. Sometimes they do not eat for several days.
Village of love provides emergency food, but the goal is to enable these orphan caregivers to become self sustaining. Through small business micro-loans children can be fed every day, housed and sent to school, while being raised where they belong- in a loving family.
Faith in people is paying off!
In the Village of Love, recipients of microloans do not need to show any assets or any former capacity to save or run a business. Faith in people who are part of a community appears to bear fruit!
The coooperative model allows for loans to be given based on personal trust, through the social worker’s knowledge of the person. In addition, each person belongs in a support group of five people, who back one another’s loan. Community workers teach best business practices, and mentor each person in the use of their loan. If a person has no income generating skills, she is taught. No one is left behind! In the Village of Love, EVERYONE has an opportunity to learn how to make a living.
So far we have seen a very encouraging 90% repayment rate of loans! This is higher than for similar programs operating in the region. Some families have already become self sufficient through Village of Love micro-loans. Read How Mama Shilia Supports a Family of Twelve.