What chance does an orphaned child have in life?
She is a lucky child - able to attend school.EDUCATION is their best chance!
but the odds are against them…..
- What chance does a child have to study and learn without food in his or her belly, without light to study by after dark, sharing a one room shack with as many as eight or more other people?
- What chance does a child have when he or she is sent home from school for lack of a notebook, pencil, school uniform, or in the case of secondary school, lack of school fees, so that the child’s days are spent on the streets of Kibera?
- What chance does a boy have on the streets all day when he is hungry? “Easy” money is a temptation hard to resist. How can he avoid getting involved in a gang, dealing drugs, pimping, smuggling guns across the border. Will he even survive till he’s twenty?
What chance does a girl have on the streets where every hour 45 rapes are reported? What will she need to do for food? How will she avoid contracting HIV&AIDS? Will she leave her own orphaned children struggling in poverty?
An excellent video illustrating how important it is for girls to be in school is The Girl Effect video, “The Clock is Ticking.”
Every day that a child is out of school is a day when he or she is in danger. Read VULNERABLE CHILDREN.
Education is a matter of urgency for every child. To read excerpts from Stephen Lewis, 2005 Massey Lectures, “Race Against Time, Searching For Hope in AIDS,” click HERE.
What will his future be?Open the door of hope for one child!
As little as $10 a month will keep a child in primary school; $40 a month in secondary school.
$15 a month will provide a small business micro-loan to a caregiver so that the children will not go hungry.
Through YOUR donation, children will become self sustaining adults, gain self esteem and become community assets. See:
Zachary’s story, “I CAN READ!”
Kamaro’s story, “He’s a community asset!”
“Kijiji Cha Upendo” is registered as a Community Based Organization, Registration No. 11849 under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Services of the Government of Kenya.
“Village of Love Canada” is part of the Canada Africa Partnership on AIDS (CAP/AIDS), registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, #88898 7500 RR0001.